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Anita is passionate that all students have the opportunity to enjoy learning mathematics and achieve their potential. With her uniquely animated and enjoyable teaching style, she is on a mission to inspire and excite primary teachers to genuinely enjoy teaching mathematics.

Anita Chin
Founder & Learning Strategist K–8
Anita Chin Mathematics Consultancy, NSW
Anita Chin is one of the leading experts in primary mathematics education in Australia, with over 25 years’ experience in mathematics as both a teacher and consultant.
Anita is passionate about teaching maths and has dedicated her life to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to enjoy learning mathematics. With her uniquely animated style, she inspires, excites and connects with students, teachers and leaders alike.
Anita’s transformative professional learning is grounded in her Primary Maths Framework (2020). The framework provides a structure for her work with schools and enables them to monitor their progress towards their strategic goals.
Anita delivers in-person professional learning through:
- partnering with primary schools on sustained learning journeys
- training school maths leadership teams
- whole-staff workshops
- demonstration lessons with students in their own classrooms.
Her professional learning focuses on:
- differentiating by using maths language, visual models and concrete materials
- developing mathematical content knowledge to increase confidence in teaching maths
- structuring maths lessons to engage all students
- setting up classroom environments to maximise teaching time
- the art of teaching maths… what Anita calls ‘DGT’ – darn good teaching!
What’s Anita’s story?
Anita began her career as a secondary mathematics teacher, before moving into teacher professional learning as a Mathematics Consultant K–8 with the NSW Department of Education. Later she worked as a Mathematics Consultant K–6 with Origo Education delivering teacher training Australia-wide. She completed her Master’s degree in 2006 which included a dissertation paper on the use of concrete materials to teach number concepts.
Anita embraced a variety of other opportunities to further her professional experience, including working as a sessional lecturer and tutor of pre-service teachers at the University of Sydney, and as a consultant for both the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (2010) and the NSW Mathematics K–10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum (2012).
Anita founded Anita Chin Mathematics Consultancy in 2010 to provide customised and timely professional learning in primary schools to support improvement in mathematics teaching and learning. She has also organised and presented at five successful ‘Anita Chin Primary Maths Conferences’ since 2017.
After more than two decades working with hundreds of schools, Anita has developed the Anita Chin Primary Mathematics Framework (2020) which provides a structure for schools to assess their current practice and determine the improvements required to meet their goals for success.

Whole-school scope and sequence writing day

Opening my 5th primary maths conference in 2019